Halloween Inspired Boudoir Session | Cedar Rapids Iowa Booodoir Photographer
Halloween Themed Spooky Booodoir Session
Cedar Rapids / Waterloo / Eastern Iowa Boudoir Photographer
If you know me, you know I’m overly excited about Fall. The pretty leaves are amazing and so are the PSL’s… but what I’m really excited about is Halloween! The spooky movies and shows that come around during this time (The Haunting of Hill House was probably the best thing I’ve ever watched!) have really inspired me to set up some fun creative shoots for myself!
Fall time for photographers is like tax time for accountants. Everyone wants photos with the pretty leaves! I have so many beautiful babes killing it lately and the pretty Fall colors have added to their shoot soooo much! I’m not able to share but this session totally made up for all the sessions I keep to myself.
Anytime I have an extra pair of hands during a session is always the best. Kasie is so helpful!

“Let me tell yalllllll. So I got the pleasure of working with Lexy this last weekend. It was cold as shit but it was a blast. This was my second time working with Lexy and it’s always a fucking hoot. 10/10 would recommend her.”
“I loved getting together and helping each other pick out outfits, accessories as well as hair and makeup. It was a great bonding experience before having a session together. I had a great time because the environment was so relaxed and I didn’t even care that it was cold!”
“Who knew being borderline naked in the cold with strangers would be so empowering! I loved every minute of getting ready together, to hiding behind trees to the actual photo shoot. This photoshoot was right up my alley and I’m so geeked for everyone else to see the photos!”
This whole day was a blast. We hung out for a couple of hours before the shoot getting ready and set up. My lovely friend and assistant Kasie even got me special gluten free granola bars which were pretty much all I ate that day until I got home.
The day ended up being too windy to do smoke bombs like I wanted to but I’m stoked about using them for at least one upcoming creative session! We had enough time keeping the candles lit, to be honest.
These three were so fun to work with! Two familiar faces and one face that will be doing her own boudoir shoot next month! I always prefer to stick with past and future clients for these kinds of sessions because I conduct creative shoots a bit different and don’t want anyone to miss out on a true client experience!
I have quite a few clients who have expressed interest in bringing in spooky elements to their sessions! Halloween is my time y’all! Truly the most exciting part of the year! Contact me to set yours up while I still have a few November spots left!
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I have never been more excited to blog a session! Y’all know I’m a mama as well as a business owner so I don’t always get to sit and type away at the computer like I would like. It is truly my pleasure to blog this session! Here are some fun behind the scenes shots taken during the session!