Happy Holidays from Boudoir by Lexy! | Outside Pole Dance Boudoir Session | Iowa & Traveling Poledance and Boudoir Photographer

Outside Pole Dance Boudoir Session

PLUS Lexy’s Self-Care Tips During the Holidays

Iowa & Traveling Poledance and Boudoir Photographer

Hair and Makeup by Shae Beard

Happy Holidays Y’all!! I’m brightening your week with a throwback to late summer, when the sunset happened at a reasonable hour and the weather was tolerable. Unless you’re one of those people who actually like the cold- in which case, disregard that last statement.

When I first got this X-Pole Stage, I didn’t think our first session would be THIS level of dreamy! I’m forever so incredibly thankful for our friends who let us use their beautiful private property for sessions. This Stage Pole is white powder-coated for extra grip during sessions and Miss G knocked it out of the ballpark! That, along with her incredible wardrobe, left me completely dazzled.

I was looking at my blog queue and trying to figure out which session I should blog next- and this cold weather had me dying to share this beautiful sunny session from late summer.

I couldn’t have asked for better sunlight, and it hit ALL the best places on Miss G!

With multiple holidays coming up, I know for some this year has been one thing after another. If you aren’t quite in the festive spirit, take it easy on yourself. Don’t forget to take time for yourself! If the traditions are stressing you out this year, don’t be afraid to break from the normal and make new traditions.

Here is my favorite self-care for the Holidays:

  1. Practice saying no when you don’t have the capacity to complete a task being asked of you


  3. Make the holiday you are celebrating about cozy pajamas! Make some comfort food and enjoy a night in. You deserve it!

  4. The kids really don’t need that much candy, don’t be afraid to help yourself.

  5. It’s okay if your house is a mess and the presents aren’t wrapped yet. No one is putting expectations on you but yourself <3 You got this!

If your Holiday Self-Care includes booking a boudoir session for yourself, go ahead and fill out our contact form! I have had so many people setting up phone consults recently for this reason, and there’s no better time than now!

We have payment plans that range from 6-18 months and begin at $87/month. If you’re on a budget, or would like to book further out, this is perfect for you!

Don’t forget to join our Facebook Group as well! January, my birthday month, is the BEST time to be in the group! We will be doing MULTIPLE giveaways next month for the occasion, and you will NOT want to miss the fun!

If you have a TikTok, make sure to follow us over there! It’s yet another way to stay up to date with us as well as get posing tips for those at home spicy selfies!


Check out Miss G’s full gallery below!

Click & Scroll to View Fullscreen

With Love,

Lexy Larson